Ringkasan khotbah Minggu, 21 Juli 2013 oleh Ev. ANAM PENI ASIH

(Filipi 4:10-13; v.19-20)

Dalam kondisi ekonomi yangg  sulit saat ini banyak seseorang yang menginginkan sesuatu yang lebih misalnya : uang, ingin mendapatkan uang banyak dengan cara yang mudah dan cepat.  Tetapi akhirnya justru uangnya hilang atau di bawa lari orang. Dalam keadaan yang sulit ini, Iblis ikut campur, ikut kerja dengan tujuan merugikan, menyengsarakan, menghancurkan siapa saja yang mau menjadi sasaran/obyek penderita. Bagaimana cara Iblis bekerja ?
  1. Memberikan tawaran yang menarik supaya manusia tergoda  - dalam Kitab Kejadian -  iblis memberikan tawaran yang menarik pada Hawa
  2. Jika sudah tergoda manusia tidak dapat berpikir dengan akal sehat – Hawa tergoda tidak berpikir dengan akal sehat; ia lebih memilih apa yang dikatakan Iblis dari pada taat pada perintah Allah.
  3. Mudah percaya pada seseorang yang tidak dikenal karena janji manis yang diberikan – Hawa percaya dengan apa yang dijanjikan Iblis “menjadi seperti Allah”. Ini sesuatu yang tidak mungkin, tidak masuk akal manusia dapat sama dengan yang menciptakan. 
Firman Tuhan mengingatkan kita semua, supaya mencukupkan dengan apa yang ada, apa yang kita punya, apa yang kita miliki, apa yang Tuhan berikan pada kita masing-masing.  
Paulus dapat mencukupkan apa yang ada dalam kehidupannya, bagaimana
caranya ?
  1. Paulus tau caranya bagaimana ia puas v.11
Paulus pernah kekurangan dan pernah kelimpahan. Namun Paulus dpt melihat dgn benar dgn cara pandang Tuhan ketika kekurangan maupun kelimpahan. King James mengatakan, orang yang puas ketika kekurangan dan kelimpahan  merupakan gambaran anak-anak Tuhan yang kuat. Yang membuat Paulus  puas  dalam segala hal (kekurangan dan kelimpahan)  karena ia mengetahui dan menyadari bahwa Tuhan dapat memberikan segala sesuatu yang dia butuhkan. 
Paulus merasa puas dalam segala hal karena ia dapat melihat hidup dengan cara pandang Allah, ia memusatkan pada apa yang dapat dilakukan bukan pada apa ia rasakan harus ia miliki.
  1. Paulus tau prioritas à v13
Paulus mengetahui apa yang harus lebih dahulu ia lakukan dalam pelayanannya dan ia juga mempunyai keyakinan bahwa Tuhan akan memenuhi/mencukupi segala kebutuhannya menurut kekayaan dan kemuliaan-Nya.   
Marilah kita belajar utk percaya pada janji dan kuasa Tuhan yg menolong kita menjadi puas dalam segala keadaan.
Jika kita menginginkan yg lebih mintalah pd Tuhan untuk menghilangkan perasaan itu dan bersyukur untuk yang Tuhan sudah berikan.
Dan ingatlah bahwa Tuhan akan memenuhi segala kebutuhan kita dan  memberikan yang terbaik.
(Ringkasan khotbah Minggu, 21 Juli  2013 oleh Ev. ANAM PENI ASIH) 


Summary sermons, Sunday, July 14, 2013 by Ev. Nanik WOELANDARI

(Matthew 20:20-28)

 In Matthew 20:20-28, as usual, when the Lord Jesus gathered with His disciples, there is something rather interesting about this story is the presence of a mother daru two disciples of the Lord Jesus. The mother in question is Ny. Zebedee, the wife of a fisherman from Galilee, and the mother of James and John. Let's see what the demand is in verses 20-21, "Give the order, so that both my son should sit later in the kingdom, one at your right hand and the other one on your left."
Well, do not judge us too hard this Jewish mother. She is a proud mother of her sons. He had long thought about the request. Perhaps the reason is based on the idea of ​​pure and true perspective. Of course he did not ask that children occupy the main throne, because he understood that it belongs to the Lord Jesus himself. But as befits a good mother, who continues to look for "opportunities" that can take their children to get a promotion, so he nominated James and John to occupy the throne no.2 and no.3. He wanted his children to be more well known people. The mother wants the high rate second son, who had left their fishing nets and into the new service. Her children are included in the group of "the twelve."
Thing to be proud of!
If you want to know how the other ten disciples on this subject, read verse 24, "angry other ten." They were really angry, lest James and John who also managed to get the glory they desire. Normal thing, is not it? So with confidence the Lord Jesus replied, "You do not know what you are asking ..." (ay.22). Jerking answer. The mother had thought he knew what he was asking. Mother was tempted by the throne and the powers that be owned by his son. Did not Jesus will soon form a "kingdom"? The authorities need to throne!
Not so. It's a different movement. The Lord Jesus called them and outlines the striking difference between his philosophy with the system of the world in which they live. Read the words of the Lord Jesus in verses 25-28 carefully.
In the secular world system, there are distinct differences in each level of power. To be sure, that's what happens in the present time. No government in the president, his cabinet and the elected sekelompom who has privileges that no ordinary people. They also have the right to fire his subordinates because that's how the current system. But then the Lord Jesus adds, "It is not so among you". What does he mean? Simple. In the family of God there is only one set of people: the waiters. And, a servant is the way to reach the top level in the kingdom. Whoever wants to be great among you, let him be your servant.
The words are forgotten. Even by the servants of the Lord. Celebrity syndrome affects every child of God. Colossians 1:15-18 explains that only Christ deserves our respect from the servants. There is no human being who can and dare seize the position. Someone named Diotrephes, 3 John 1:9-10 called, trying to do that so opens a harsh reprimand. Diotrephes be a warning to any person who wants to be the "boss of the church." That person may be a member of the assembly, a pastor, a teacher, a musician, a former employee or a former pastor at a church. No matter who he is, like Diotrephes mentality no place in the body of Christ. Only Christ as Head. We included a category called the Lord Jesus in Matthew 20, that is, ... the servants. You might be asking, "But is not there should be leadership to complete all these tasks?" Yes, we agree that. But leadership must be a leadership that is run by the soul of a servant of all. By always remembering our status as a waitress, humility would be a fixed attribute of our lives forever. Glory to God. Amen.
(Summary sermons, Sunday, July 14, 2013 by Ev. Nanik WOELANDARI)

Summary of sermons, Sunday, June 23, 2013 by Ev. ANAM Peni ASIH

(Revelation 2:10 b; James 1:12)

  In Smyrna city famous for rich, advanced perdangangan. In addition it is also famous for atleticnya players. For those who won in a game will receive the crown (leaves or flowers are arranged in a circle and then draped them even become the winner). This crown is hard to get it but only lasted a while because it will wilt, dry and discarded.
          How jemat conditions in Smyrna?
*) They are in trouble and poor: ostracized, arrested and put in jail. God calls them not materially rich, but rich in faith.
*) They will have tribulation for 10 days meaning that their plight is no time limit. In such circumstances, God promised to give them CROWN OF LIFE.
          Is it mahota life?
*) The award of God given to man who brought to life eternal.
*) The crown is missing and can not last forever.
*) The crown of life joy-happiness symbol.
Not everyone will receive the crown of life.
          Who will receive the CROWN OF LIFE?
*) Those who are faithful until death - Revelation 2:10 b
God's promises and His word can be trusted, they are faithful will receive the crown of life. God does not promise to those who are faithful will be free of problems, distress, suffering and other things that are not fun. Faith in Jesus that enables us faithful to what He promised this time (inclusion, comfort, strength, etc.) and who will come to receive the crown of life (perfect happiness).
*) Those who love God - James 1:12
James tells us that God does not help us to eliminate
trials (native language peirazÇ-temptation). But God can use temptation to build, bring glorious blessings - fun. The devil wears temptation to drop, plunge, misleading. Why to get the crown of life need to love God? Because the love of God have covered everything. When the love of God will believe in his promises, obedient, give, serve, forgive, and in the end will receive the crown of life.
Let us resolve faithful unto death, and love of God forever and forever so that in time we will receive the crown that God has prepared.
(Summary sermons, Sunday, June 23, 2013 by Ev. ANAM Peni ASIH)

Summary sermon Sunday, June 16, 2013 by Ev. INDRI Tekno WIJOYO

Church to be a blessing
(Acts 2: 42-47; 4:32-37)

      As a member of the church who have been saved, forgiven,'ve got a legacy heaven would want to be a blessing, to be salt and light in order to glorify the name of God. In Acts we see the power of the Holy Spirit who works with exceptional, through the early church that have tremendous character so that they glorify God's name and God's name known to many people. In the case they are in the persecution. How the early church life?
1. Persevere in prayer
2. Diligent in fellowship
3. Diligent in teaching
4. Glad to pray
5. Glad to glorify God
6. Showing respect to God
7. Glad to worship God
8. Happy to share
9. Always rejoicing
10. The love everyone
11. Day by day the Lord added to the number of churches
What should be done in order to be a blessing?
1. One heart one soul
*) Unity means one heart, one mind.
*) Sejiwa means of one mind, one heart
2. Giving sincerely
Gives the early church sincerely to those who need to fit their needs.
Gives the early church not in order to get a lot more but because they are blessed by God.
Gives the early church is not so received praise and awards from humans, they give because it was received.
3. Serve with love.
Early church serve with love as a form of their love for God. They realized God had already served. Manifested their love by loving others.
God came into the world and has been a blessing to us, He sacrificed His life willingly died on the cross. Early church one heart-soul, give sincerely and serve with love. Let us learn meneladi life that the early church so it can be
blessing to others and God's name be glorified. .
    (Summary sermon Sunday, June 16, 2013 by Ev. INDRI Tekno WIJOYO)

Summary sermons, Sunday, June 30, 2013 by Ev. Gumulya DJUHARTO

(2 Kings 4:1-7)

          Life has always been plagued by problems. But our attitude in overcoming life as tangled threads will show whether we are people who believe in God or not. In 2 Kings 4:1-7 tells a widow bereaved of her husband, who live in debt. Interesting to observe that the Si Widows unnamed choose positive ways to cope with problems that choke the life of his family.
1. Widow is CHOOSING to complain to the Prophet that the matter be representative of God. In other words, he sought help from God and not outside of God's power. Indeed, today we find many tips to achieve success, such as: dream sky, hang out and do not squirt, do not delay something, do it faithfully, strive with all their might and others. But there is one most important thing that should precede all of it: submission to God through prayer and contemplation of God's word. Prayer shows that we remain committed to God even in difficult situations; meditating on the Word of God shows that we are open and ask God for guidance and wisdom believe God promises a breakthrough to overcome the problems which are hindering our lives.
2. Widow REQUESTED to involve children in the process of problem solving. This is not something that is common, parents are sometimes inclined to keep a secret about the difficulties faced by "they do not know better". Indeed this is true, they are not ready to endure hardships like us. But here there are exceptions. God asks us to teach our children about the faith that has been and we are going through together that shows how God opened the way for us. Children should see it so that they also learn to overcome their difficulties in a way that is true that God can help in ways that are magical or normal.
3. The widow asked to use the miracle of the oil that had received additions to the wise: go, sell the oil, pay debts and live off the excess. Here we see clearly that God's help is not free us from tangggung answer: it means having to pay off debt negatively and positively means to manage finances wisely so that no large pegs of the pole or more expenses than income.
So a family of faith we are asked to account for this life as well as possible, believe none of the problems that escape observation Almighty Father in Heaven love. God asks that we are responsible not only before God but also accountable before others so that they are seen to glorify the name of God. (Summary sermons, Sunday, June 30, 2013 by Ev. Gumulya DJUHARTO)

Summary sermon Sunday, July 7, 2013 by Ev. ANAM Peni ASIH

(1 Corinthians 12:14-26)

      Paul describes the church as the body. One body but many members, each member has different tasks and functions. But every member of the body can not be separated and not separated from one another, that one requires the other, and vice versa. Are required by the other, no member of the body is more important, higher and more useful. Nor is there any lower limb or less useful. Each member body that no one can function by itself but rather interdependent and complementary.
*) Each member of the body can not stand alone, but requires the other.
*) Hand requires a foot; legs needed a hand; hand takes the eye, the eye needs a hand; ears need mouth to convey what is heard; mouth need ears to hear before delivering / talk.
This illustrates that in life everyone needs everyone else. No one can live without the other.
*) Eyes needed hand before doing anything
*) Mata takes the foot before running
*) Ear needed before talking and do something
      *) All the members of the body necessary and complementary
      Let us realize if God allows us to be in this world, we
      it takes a family, church, community and so on. Such as physician
      dibutuhka by patients, faculty needed by students, fishermen, farmers,
      dans merchant so needed by society.
*) The eyes function to see
*) Hand function to do something but can not see
*) Legs to walk not to hear, not to see and so on.
Whoever amongst us is also limited, there is no man who can do everything, nothing we can do, but there is nothing we can do, otherwise there are other people who can not do, but we can do it.
With the limitations of the self that God allows each of us let us complement each other well in the family, work and in the service and finally the name of God in the glorified through our lives.
(Summary sermon Sunday, July 7, 2013 by Ev. ANAM Peni ASIH)